Thursday, April 10, 2014

Things get harder

I'm not sure if it an obvious thing but as classes progress they can get significantly more difficult. To maintain a solid level of competency, more time is required to prepare and be aware of what is going on in class. This has become wildly apparent in my organic chemistry class. What we are involved in now is a multistep synthesis reaction where using several substituent materials, a single staring material is transformed into a final product. What makes these reactions more difficult isn't necessarily the reactions being performed but the level of guidance with which they are discussed. At this point, it is expected of us to know how to perform a certain type of lab technique effectively. Thankfully, my reaction is going fairly well and I'm on to the final step of the reaction. Synthesizing tetraphenylphtalic anhydride from tetraphenylcyclopentadienone. Cool huh. 

Part 3 final product. 

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