Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring is around

The weather is finally starting to get hot and the beaches are starting to really be back in play. If I wasn't so busy with school and work there is one beach in particular I'd like to go. East beach. It's down shoreline dr. and it's lined with about a dozen volleyball courts. Now ice never been very good at volleyball but it's still always a good time. Usually my housemates and I will get the neighbors and head down to the beach to play 3v3. My favorite part about it is that after you work up a sweat play volleyball, the water is the perfect way to cool down. While You're not technically allowed to bring dogs on the beach I tend to do it anyway. I never see the big deal as long as you pick up after them. Anyways, check out the beach and enjoy springtime!

Playing fetch with a stick bigger than him

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