Obviously one of the more difficult things to do in Santa Barbara is find affordable living, especially when you want to live in a house with your homies and not pay an arm and a leg for a tiny little 2 bedroom. I was incredibly lucky in finding housing when I first moved to SB back in 2011 but beside that fact, here's a little tip for folks looking for a solid crash pad. Garages. Put an ad on craigslist, talk to some of your friends, and see if anyone is willing to rent out their garage. Tons of space and sometimes cheaper rent. Granted, you have to deal with an extra spider or two as opposed to the people living snug in the domicile, but as long as you don't have the constitution of a pansy you'll be just fine. Besides, from a biological stand point, spiders are super excellent because all they do is kick it in the corner and munch on any annoying mosquitos floating around. Anyways... I highly suggest finding a house anywhere in SB that'll let you crash in the garage. These are my digs. Been here for the last 2 years only 2 miles from campus. Met some great people in a great neighborhood and I always have a home base to retreat to
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